Papers & Presentations
I wrote the following documents and/or research papers at the course of my work in respective projects. The most recent documents are on top:
-   Mobile Apps with HTML5 and PhoneGap
This presentation was held at the Agon Solutions annual technology meetup 2013.
It focuses on the capabilities and power of HTML5 and how it can be harnessed for the implementation of hybrid mobile applications.
I am absolute convinced that HTML5 web apps are the only sensible way to build mobile apps, above all in order to avoid multiple implementation for
different platforms. The talk also explains how the framework PhoneGap (Apacha Cordova) works and how it can be used e.g. in conjunction with Sencha Touch.
-   Agile Project Management
I gave this talk at the Lufthansa Online & Mobile Lab 2012. The slides start off with the term "uncertainty" and why we need agile management to handle uncertainty and reduce risk.
Then I present the argument of information growth during project lifetime
which directly needs us to the necessity of anticipation and adaption. My main point is, that - in order to sensibly being able to adapt -
you need correct documentation and a solid software architecture.
-   Proactive requirements engineering
These slides were presented at the Agon Solutions Technology Workshop 2010.
I argue in favor of planned and organized requirements engeneering and give reasons why this is worthwhile. Furthermore, I present a special
approach called proactive requirements engineering which heavily build on agility and communication.
-   Architecture for mobile applications
These slides were prepared for a talk at the Agon Solutions Technology Workshop 2011.
The presentation gives an overview about the technology development in the mobile market and describes four different architectural approaches
for mobile application. Additionally, pros and cons for each architecture are presented.
-   Important aspects of Quality Management
This presentation was delivered at an internal meeting of a customer in the aviation business .
It mainly argues why quality management is important. Moreover, it describes the different, contradicting goals of quality management and how they can be balanced in an iterative project.
-   Enterprise portals with Liferay
This presentation was was given at the 2nd LUGD (Liferay User Group Deutschland) meeting in March 2009.
In this talk I highlighted variuous important aspects of web portal implementation (like SSO and timeout management) and showed how Liferay was
utilized to achieved the conceptional goals in the Zeppelin projects.
-   Datenpressen - Crystal Reports und BIRT im Vergleich
This article was published in iX 10/2008. It compares the leading Report Editors/Reporting Engines Crystal Reports and BIRT (Opensource). It is based on concrete project experience at Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH and
GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik).
-   Opensource Portal-Entwicklung mit Liferay
An article I wrote for the Magazine JavaSPEKTRUM describing the way how a employees portal was build at Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH.
In this project, headed by me as project lead, we used the opensource portal server Liferay. The article was published in JavaSPEKTRUM.
-   Application integration in enterprise portals - methods and challenges
Today, Internet Portals are important platforms for enterprise communication and process integration. Neverthelesse, they can only unfold
their full potential when services and applications are integrated. This paper describes the basic principles and the essential methods
of application integration and explains the consequences for the applications to be integrated.
-   Writing and using UFLs for Crystal Reports
This paper describes in detail how to use and create user function libraries (UFLs) for Crystal Reports, mainly concentrating on
version XI and C++ UFLs. The document shows how to configure the software to use a custom DLL and also describes how to build a new one
from scratch. Source code snippets are included.
-   Using Crosstabs in Crystal Reports
This paper summarizes how to build and use crosstabs with the well-known Crystal Reports reporting tool. Especially, it focuses
on getting around certain limitations in the Crystal Reports crosstab, e.g. integrating images and dynamically changing the
facts and dimensions in the crosstab. There is also a german version of the paper.
-   Von der Idee zum Projekt - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Model Driven Architectur
This article was written for the book
Software Engineering Live which was published by Oldenbourg in 2005.
Portale: Sicherheitsaspekte bei der Anwendungsintegration
Published at the 2006 iteratec Workshop of Software Architecture, Frankfurt, Germany
In der Komplexitätsfalle - Wie bleibt ein Data Warehouse erweiterbar?
Published at the 2005 iteratec Workshop of Software Architecture, Munich, Germany
Deployment automation for web portal components with metadata
Published at the 2004 International Conference on Software
Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'04: June 21-24, 2004,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
Data Warehouse & ETL - Overview and Introduction
Model Driven Architecture - Overview and Introduction
Published at the 2003 iteratec Workshop of Software Architecture, Munich, Germany
-   Performance beim Datenbankimport
In most software projects there is the necessity to import data into a relational database
system. One of the most important aspects of this is the performance for most of the
projects deal with mass data. This paper describes the aspects which influence the
performance of data import most. It gives insight on how to use the different strategies
and when to avoid them.
-   Generierung einer Datenbankstruktur aus C++
This document deals with the problem, how to structure and store information about the
data dictionary in such a way, that big relational database schemas can be genrated from C++
code, without interfering with the maintainability of the system.
-   Risk Management - Overview
Published at the 2000 iteratec Workshop of Software Architecture, Frankfurt, Germany
-   FAST: An Integrated Approach to Process Modeling based on FUNSOFT nets and State Transition Diagrams
Published and presented at PDTSD10 in Orlando 1999.
-   Software Process Modeling and Enactment: An Experience Report related to Problem Tracking in an Industrial Project
Published and presentet at ICSE'98 in Kyoto.
-   Software-Prozeßmodellierung und -Durchführung -
Schwierigkeiten des Technologietransfers
Published and presented at Informatik'97 in Aachen.
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